Hey guys please follow MyFroggyStuff! She creates awesome how-to video's for dolls and LPS! She is amazing! Click the button below to go to her channel.

Please do not ask to receive a shout out. Thank you and have a wonderful day :) 


Hey please follow SamathasTv and GingerNinjaAJ. They are the same people. She is amazing and is really fun to watch! Press the buttons to find her channels.

Please do not ask to receive a shout out thanks and have a nice day :)


Please subscribe to goGREENgirl188 she makes amazing video's! They're super funny! To go to her channel, click the button below:

Please do not ask to receive a shoutout. Thank you and have a nice day! :)


    Hi! My name is Sarah, the leader of SprinklesLpsTv. Welcome to the shout outs page! Please do not ask to get a shout out and enjoy!


    August 2013

